I would like to take a moment to give a Shout out to all the Kind, Thoughtful Folks that Helped Maine During the Ice Storm...."Michigan" "Canada" and Everyone Else....Canada actually Contributed a days pay that they earned by cutting trees here in our County to our Local Food Shelter because so many people Lost their food due to the power outage....This Help softened the Blow from this Ice Storm for many Folks that are suffering from our Mangled Economy....So THANK YOU So Very MUCH!!...We will be there to help you when you need it Friends.......~Liz adele~
Only hope that every one is alright and that spirit are still high.
Wishing you lots of love and happiness for the holidays
Yes...I think we are just so happy to have our Power restored and heat....We are having a Storm tonight and a nor'easter is heading our way Sunday...
Again...A Great Big Hug To you guys and Thanks so much!!
~liz adele~