The first exhibition in which she participated was held in Israel in 2000. Additional exhibitions in a number of Israeli cities followed, as well as in Italy and Great Britain.
Ronit Baranga has given two solo exhibitions – “Abstract” (2001) and “Shells of Wings” (2007).
Ronit Baranga: My art expresses my life as it is at any given moment. It emphasizes my thoughts and feelings at the time. Some sculptures deal with feelings of lost or unused abilities – of which only the remains can be framed for display (“Wings Pictures”). Other sculptures represent the intimacy of a relationship in a minimal way – a single mouth (“Stones”). Also, I have created a humorous sculpture of a grotesque situation, in which “weary” figures attempt to drink tea from an energetic tea set – an attempt to capture an almost impossible moment in life (“Tea Party”)
SpOOky Dreams my Friends... ~adele~