Violet Posted by oldefrostfarm1780 on April 02, 2011 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps New Addition Ghost of "Violet" Finally Finished and in my Etsy Shop update Violet has been ~SOLD~ SpOOky Dreams my Friends... ~adele~ Comments Jeremy [Retro] said… you have such beautiful creatures...hey, i see you are on the fright clubs must wanted!upper cut!jeremy Haley Haunted said… Wow, I love this! This is for sale? Haley Haunted said… I may or may not have done some advertising for you on my facebook... Hopefully that's ok (I would assume it would be). oldefrostfarm1780 said… Violet and the other Beautiful Creatures say Merci my SpOOky Friends...Haley....I always Welcome some Good exposure...Thanks Julie Ferguson said… She turned out so fabulous! I have your shop as a favorite. oldefrostfarm1780 said… Thank you Adsila....I Like Old West Steampunk Machine Wall Hanging...Very Cool!!
hey, i see you are on the fright clubs must wanted!
upper cut!
Haley....I always Welcome some Good exposure...Thanks
I Like Old West Steampunk Machine Wall Hanging...Very Cool!!